Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is not the End Naughty Dog has more ideas for Uncharted stories
Naughty Dog's Shawn Escayg - creative director and writer on Lost Legacy - told Eurogamer at E3 2017 that the team has other stories in its pocket.
When asked if Lost Legacy would be the end of the Uncharted crew's stories, Escayg responded, "I wouldn't say it's the end. This thieving world is huge. There's so many characters. Even before we settled on this particular story we were exploring Sullivan, we were exploring Cutter, and pairing each other up, thinking what would be right, what would have conflict, growth, something new, something fresh."
While it's not clear how far along Naughty Dog got with plans for stories other than Lost Legacy, Escayg said the company has "spines and storylines" at the ready. He reiterated several times that Chloe's tale was the one that jumped out the most, and so that was what the studio decided to go with. "For now," Escayg said.
Well in that case who will be the next one
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