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A long wait ends in India

Finally, Pokemon Go is now available in India, nearly five months after its official launch, thanks to Jio and Niantic  partnership. 

It’s exciting to see Pokémon fans in India step out and explore their neighborhoods in search of new Pokemon.

This AR* game is based on the popular anime TV show, Pokemon, and uses geolocations to place Pokemon across important landmarks and areas in cities. 

A player then needs to walk around his/her city to find and catch Pokemon that appear on their screen superimposed on the background of what your camera sees. 

Pokemon trainers also have to traverse through the city to look for Pokemon Stops to resupply and fight at Pokemon Gyms to take control of them for their own team.

You all need is a  smartphone, with an active data connection to play Pokemon Go.

Still waiting ... 

Gotcha catch em allllll!!!!

* AR Game: 
Augmented Reality (AR) can be fun technology to play with. The basic premise of AR is to overlay digital content on top of real things using something like a map, a camera, or sometimes the sky. Aside from being awesome, AR is also one of the most polarizing categories of apps and games in Google Play. It seems like an app is either really good or really terrible. In this list, we’ll take a look at the best AR apps and games for Android.

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